5 Axis Machining in India

 You need to know about 5 axis machining

Simply put, CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machining refers to the process of removing material with a high-speed precision machine that uses a large number of cutting tools. "5-axis" means the ability to move the tools of a machine or parts of five different axes simultaneously. At the 5-axis machining center, the device rotates through the linear axes in X, Y, and Z, and rotates in the same direction on the A and C (also called B) axes to move in any direction to the workpiece. In other words, you will be able to process the area from 5 directions in setup. 

What's the Difference Between 5 Axis Machining vs. 3+2 Axis Machining?

  • 5 Axis Machining In India 

5-axis CNC machining provides three linear axes and two rotating axes simultaneously to achieve machining on complex surfaces.

  • 3+2 Axis Machining

3-axis CNC machining offers a 3-axis milling process, with two additional axes to rotate the holding tool in a fixed position as opposed to repeated handling during the machining process. 

Advantages of 5 axis Machining In India 

A 5 axis CNC machine helps you work on close tolerances to get complex geometry, while a 3, 2 axis setup allows you to place less complex parts in positions that allow more access to features. Simultaneous 5 Axis machining in India technology raises the limits on the types of parts geometry we make machines. These 5 axis CNC machines curb your engineers ’imagination and redefine your overall capabilities by allowing you to build extremely complex components during a single setup. Equipped with abundant machining capabilities, to disrupt the manufacturing industry. Some of the advantages of a 5 Axis CNC machine are mentioned below. 

Minimized steps

Less steps need to be taken to create complex geometry. It uses 5 axis technology to create geometry compared to traditional machining. Multiple setups are possible with 3 axis machining but can reduce the number of steps required to create the final design. This ensures greater efficiency and reliability with higher efficiency. 

No need for complex fixtures

Often with a 3 axis machine, it is necessary to create complex fixtures to create orientation and eliminate the need to create the right type of fixtures. The main purpose of this is that this part can be placed and rotated at the same time so that the geometry can be easily created. 5 Axis machining in India provides excellent ability to create complex shapes in a single setup which saves time, money, and operator error and these are the main reasons behind using the machine. 

Fast removal of material

The 5-axis machine allows the cutting tool to remain perpendicular to the cutting surface and therefore allows easy and fast cutting of the material. It also reduces the time and cost of cycling and more material can be easily removed in each cycle of the tool. One can also check the CNC drilling process and it is much better than other traditional methods. 

Better surface finishing

If you are looking for a machine with a better surface finish then this machine is the most suitable for you. Compared to a traditional 3-axis machine, one can create a smaller piece and a better surface which will give the right time and space for the market. 

Bottom Line

All-in-All The 5 Axis machining technology helps to create product-efficient complex designs. Investing in a 5 axis CNC machine will make a huge difference in efficiency, productivity and most importantly your bottom profit of your business. More information about  then Visit http://www.deccanew.com/multiaxis-machining.php


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