CNC Machining

CNC Machining Processes

Machining is a way to transform a stock piece of material such as a block of plastic and arrive at a finished product by means of a controlled material removal process. CNC machining, is the automated removal of material from a block, such as plastic or metal, resulting in a finished part. This is also called as subtractive manufacturing, is controlled by a customised computer program and executed through the use of motorised machine tools.

At Deccan Engineering Works, we offer CNC machining that works well for both rapid prototyping and low-volume end-use components. We are innovative and reliable CNCmachining India and Mechanical Assemblies Industries Served. We excel manufacturing of high-quality machined components from one-off prototypes and small batches to large volume machining and milling in a variety of different materials. We can manufacture precision machined parts in carbon alloy steels, stainless steel, titanium, specialist alloys, brass, aluminium and many plastics.

cnc machining

Step-by-step overview of CNC machining process:

  1. CAD model for part is designed by engineer.
  2. CAD model is then inputted into CAM software, which converts the CAD file into G-code for the CNC machine.
  3. CNC machine carries out automated subtractive manufacturing process, removing material from the workpiece to create part.

CNC machining in nashik is designed to produce your product in one hit, reducing its cycle times and costs. CNC machines are much faster and more accurate than manual milling machines, with the ability to repeat movements, change tools in seconds and produce complex shapes easily.  CNC machined components is the state of the art of manufacturing and inspection process techniques with the best CNC Milling machines in nashik.

Precision machining at DeccanEW serves a single purpose — to ensure the highest and quality in the manufacture of machined components. Our impressive collection of equipment includes simultaneous and fixed 5-axis technology, sliding head, milling and turning, precision tapping centres and a highly equipped metrology department.

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