Best Industrial Basket Strainer Manufacturers and Suppliers

Best Industrial Basket Strainer Manufacturers and Suppliers
If you are looking for industry basket strainer manufacturers and suppliers for your pipeline, then you are in the right place. The basket strainers will protect your equipment effectively via filtering unwanted solids from process liquids. Basket Strainer provides a simple and efficient method of protecting pipeline equipment and reducing costly plant maintenance. Choice of the correct basket strainer and element will provide protection for your valves, pumps, compressors and heat exchangers and flow meters. Basket strainers are designed to provide effective removal of any type of foreign particles. Strainer basket is assembled with custom build micron to provide them with better functionality standards.

          Deccan Engineering provides different types and sizes of basket strainer. We are globally offered precision designed to meet specific requirements of removing particles in flowing applications. Basket strainer functionality also helps in increasing the overall service life of pumps, valves and flow control equipment. Basket strainer is the finish imparted to the basket strainer makes it bright and attractive in appearance. Basket strainers are made of stainless steel are highly durable. Basket strainers are used to eliminate debris from fluid lines and piping. Our products will not tarnish and can withstand the oxidation and corrosion inherent in many fluids water, saltwater and chemicals. Our experience enables us to design and manufacture specials to suit any application. Where service pressure is suitable, quick release covers can be specified which provide quick and easy maintenance without the need for special tools.
          Basket strainer consists of a removable screen which can be easily from the top. Basket strainer is used to trap suspended solids and particulate too large to be caught by filter media. Basket strainers have temporarily disrupted a system when cleaning is required. If disruption to our system in unacceptable, duplex strainers allow the system to run without any interruption by redirecting flow to an alternate basket when other reaches the capacity.
                        Basket Strainer construction is a container with an input end and outflow end. The flow internally passes through a ‘basket’. The basket captures solid particulate and holds it, preventing the waste from entering the pump. The basket strainer has a removable lid, so basket can be pulled out debris cleaned out of the basket. We fabricate our strainers out of corrosion resistant materials, PVC or stainless steel. Deccan Engineering can manufacture stainless steel in a variety of special metals such as Monel, Inconel, Duplex stainless and other alloy steels. With our experience and professional in house design, manufacture and testing facilities we have the capability to meet our customer requirements. Strainer Basket has a good dirt holding capacity and provides a low-pressure drop across them. Basket strainers are installed horizontally and for smaller sizes, they are supported by paperwork.

For all your strainer requirements you can contact us and we will be pleased to provide assistance.
Call us: 9657039991 / (0253) 6646234


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