CNC Machining

CNC Machining Processes Machining is a way to transform a stock piece of material such as a block of plastic and arrive at a finished product by means of a controlled material removal process. CNC machining , is the automated removal of material from a block, such as plastic or metal, resulting in a finished part. This is also called as subtractive manufacturing, is controlled by a customised computer program and executed through the use of motorised machine tools. At Deccan Engineering Works , we offer CNC machining that works well for both rapid prototyping and low-volume end-use components. We are innovative and reliable CNCmachining India and Mechanical Assemblies Industries Served. We excel manufacturing of high-quality machined components from one-off prototypes and small batches to large volume machining and milling in a variety of different materials. We can manufacture precision machined parts in carbon alloy steels, stainless steel, titanium, specialist alloy...